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Book Sleeve with Zipper

Book Sleeve with Zipper


This book sleeve is made from upcycled canvas material and has a zipper. It is on average 12 x 8.5 inches and can hold mass market paperbacks, paperbacks, and most hard covers. Please note that because of the zipper, the top might not be exactly 8.5 inches wide and can be snug for larger hardcover books. I've included a few images so you can see the size.


All book sleeves are made in partnership with Stitch Buffalo and $5 from your order is used to pay for the labor and hard work of this team of women from the non-profit!


We are using upcycled canvas material and zippers so the color of the zipper and the shade of the canvas will vary. But all book sleeves are in the canvas/tan color family.


It is on average 12 x 8.5 inches and can hold mass market paperbacks, paperbacks, and most hard covers. Please note that because of the zipper, the top might not be exactly 8.5 inches wide and can be snug for larger hardcover books. I've included a few images so you can see the size.

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